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Audio consumer electronics lifestyle product photography by UK photographer Del Manning Audio consumer electronics lifestyle product photography by UK photographer Del Manning Audio consumer electronics lifestyle product photography by UK photographer Del Manning Audio consumer electronics lifestyle product photography by UK photographer Del Manning Audio consumer electronics lifestyle product photography by UK photographer Del Manning Audio consumer electronics lifestyle product photography by UK photographer Del Manning Audio consumer electronics lifestyle product photography by UK photographer Del Manning

Meridian Audio Product

Meridian are an English manufacturer of high-performance, high-fidelity audio and video components and systems founded in 1977. Richemont purchased the brand in 2007 and wanted to reposition the brand. So I was commissioned to shoot a selection of their products in situ. My aim was to communicate their modern, luxury audio credentials.

I sourced a number of location options for the client. We agreed on a space that would provide us with a wide variety of photo opportunities. All retouching was done in house to maximise the budget.

