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Tel: 07715 489797
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Slum kids in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Slum kids in mobile classroom in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Slum kids in outdoor classroom in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Slum kid by mobile classroom in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Slum kids in mobile classroom in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Slum kids in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Slum kids in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Tax and evening sunlight in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Women in slum in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning Beach in Mumbai by UK photographer Del Manning

Vision Rescue

I love India – the colours, light, people – all amazing. Vision Rescue are an Indian charity. Their mission it to give street kids a hand up out of poverty and get them into full time education. I’ve had the privilege to shoot for them on several occasions, creating images to promote their amazing work. These are just a few of my favourite images from a several photo trips I’ve taken with them to see their activities in Mumbai.


